Hi there! Today we went to Hahei Beach! The sand was a nice brown, the waves were a crimson blue, the tide was crashing in delight, the sun was shining cheerfully on us; it was the perfect day! We also went to Hot Water beach where we dug in the sand and got hot water. You had to sit in the water when the tide came in otherwise you got scalded. We had a really nice pool! It was the perfect temperature, and the perfect length. Underneath the sand was geothermal activity that heated the water. This is the same thing at Rotorua. Hot Water Beach was overly crowded with people at the "hot spot". You couldn't walk one step without running into another person. It was still an amazing experience!
While at Hahei, we stayed at a friendly Kiwi's bach on top of an exquisite hill. We saw everywhere from where we were staying! The birds were singing their cheerful tune. You could hear the waves crashing and happily meeting the sand!
During one of the days that we stayed there we snorkeled a cave. Going through the peninsula cave we saw tiny fish that were trapped in by the tide. It was pitch black, the water was freezing cold, you could feel fear creeping in as every step you took you could imagine your worst fears. In addition we went through a dry cave that also went through the peninsula. Boulders were everywhere and we had to scramble our way through to the other side. It was absolutely amazing!
We are loving it here in NZ!
Miss U Guys
Paden + Family
Wow!! It looks beautiful there Paden! I love your stories, you are very descriptive. I was scared just reading about your adventure in the cold caves. Looks like you are having a great time! Sneh, Kai & Diane
ReplyDeleteHi Fuzzy a.k.a (Paden)
ReplyDeleteWe just had a Very boring math lesson and Claudia was so lucky she got leave early. LECTURES FUN!!!!!!! We got a class pet on Claire's desk. They are mechanical fishies. Their names are Romilly and Bubbles. That was Claire's birthday present. We saw Freak the Mighty movie and we finished the book too with tears in our eyes. Did you finish the book yet?
We are having our Christmas party tomorrow and we are doing Secret Santa. And I got...
From: Anna :)
P.S.(We decorated our tree and our class it is soooooo Christmasy! Today is our Giving Assembly and we are doing a play for it!)
Well.... I am starting to take my math class comments a little personally, Paden. I miss your presence - you were NICE TO ME!!!
ReplyDeleteWe sure do miss you around here - I am so impressed with how you are practicing the use of your language. Great descriptions and strong images. Well done!! THings are pretty busy around here and I am crackin' the whip this week with work.. maybe I am mean?!!
Merry Christmas - your gifties will be waiting for you when you come back :)
Mrs C
Hi there! Yes, I agree Anna math lectures are fun! Yes I have finished Freak the Mighty. It is really sad that Freak dies and Mighty gets lonely again. It was really scary when Killer Kane tried to kill his own son. Sounds like the class is soooo christmasy. Mrs.Corbett you are not mean. My mom + dad will have to start crackin' the whip too. Did you guys have fun doing the play? Have fun doing Secret Santa! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMiss U
Paden + Family
The play was awesome it was based on the story "The Gift of the Magi." Teagan and Imaan rewrote it. If you want to read the story "The Gift of the Magi" look it up on Google it is pretty cool! And my Secret Santa was Robert. I got him this really cool sound making thing and some other stuff too, he will have to bring it in to school when you come back. And I was Claire's Secret Santa she got me ALOT of chocolate and candy. Guess what I know what you are going to get for your Belated Christmas present from Corbie. But I can't tell you!!! Tee Hee Hee!! I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXITED (TIMES 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) THAT CHRISTMAS IS IN A WEEK, BUT JEALOUS OF YOU TOO BECAUSE YOU WILL GET CHRISTMAS EARLY THAN US IN CALGARY BECAUSE OF THE TIME CHANGE!!!!erg
ReplyDeleteFrom: Anna
Wow Paden, this is incredible! You are QUITE the writer and blogger, keep up the good work! You inspired me enough to set up my own blog -- I needed a google account to comment on yours, so all of a sudden, whoosh, there I am starting my own blog for no good reason (although with Kary in Fox Creek right now I'm probably just a little bored on a Friday night). I think it is called formulatechmarketing.blogspot.com/ I'd be so honored to have you friend me .... I am lonely on my new blog (haha). I even figured out how to post a picture. Took me 2 tries, not bad I think.
ReplyDeleteYou guys have TONS of fun and don't think about all of the cold and snow you are missing here. We'd rather be with you this Christmas. Have fun with your grandparents too. Love Aunt Darcy
Hi Paden, thank you for your kind math words :)
ReplyDeleteTry not to think that Max will still be lonely - think of the strength that Freak gave him to stand tll "high abouve the world" on his own. Quite a gift, really.
I hope that you guys have an AMAZING Christmas... and warm! Big big teacher hugs.
missing you,
Mrs C