Saturday, December 19, 2009


Hi there! Today we went to Waimarino. It is an awesome adventure park with a Blob, a Gladiator Pole, and a Hydro Slide.

First, of all I’d like to inform you guys about the Blob! The Blob is a big air mattress on a river. One person sits on the Blob on the far side of the river. The other person stands on a 50 foot platform above the Blob and jumps down on the close side of the Blob. Then the person on the far end is launched into the air. If you don’t land on your bum when you hit the river you get really bruised. I launched my brother, my dad launched me, and a stranger launched my dad. I was the one that went the highest. We felt excitement rush through our bodies as we soared through the air. When you hit the water it feels like hitting cement. It was outstanding!

Secondly, I’d like to talk about the Gladiator Pole! The Gladiator Pole is a pole over top of the river. It stands on two triangle ends that float on top of the river. One person on one side of the pole and the other person on the other end of the pole. Then the two people wrestle and try to make the other person fall into the water. When one person (or both people) fall into the water it is over and the last one to fall in wins. It is really fun!

Lastly, I’d like to talk about the Hydro Slide! The Hydro Slide is a water slide! It's like no ordinary water slide though; you go down in a kayak instead of on your bum! You can go forwards or backwards. The Hydro Slide has a drop-off at the end of the slide! When you get to the bottom of the water slide you land in the dark, deep river! It’s very fun to go down backwards! After, when you’re on the water, you glide about 20 feet! It was amazing!

Waimarino is an awesome adventure park that was made for kids! They have many more activities than were mentioned in the paragraphs above!


  1. Hi Paden!! I can tell you that there are a series of very envious students here right now as we take off our snowboots and unwrap ourselves from the cold every day... That looks amazing!! Your descriptions are exceptional, it really painted a picture for us, and we were able to follow along with your stories with your photos as a guide. It sure sounds like you are "having the time of your life" (quoting Robert right now!!).

    here is.....imaan

    Hi Paden,
    How is new zealand? Sounds like you are having loads of fun!!! your pictures are amazing... everyone is talking about the blob. It is snowing alot in Calgary. How is the weather in New Zealand? Hope to see you soon!!!


  2. By the way - can you tell us about the trees that look like they have tube for bark??
    that was interesting.

    missing you,
